I’ve actually been thinking about doing something like this (associating songs to Tarot cards)  for awhile now.  I think my first notes on the subject come from sometime last year, and since reading through the Thursday Night Tarot, I’ve been inspired to take up the project again.  Here’s what I’ve come up with so far.  This is just a “first draft,” so to speak, so it will probably change quite a bit from any “final version” I eventually work out…

I still need to find a couple songs, and I think I’m going to change a few of the ones I do have ‘cuz it’s pretty late and I probably was making some pretty off-the-wall associations, 😀   Also I’ve only got the Major Arcana, but I do have some songs that fit minors as well, but that will take quite awhile to round up that much music…

As a divinitory device it’s probably not tenable, except for a 1-3 card spread, and even then it might get kind of annoying.  Still, it’s been interesting listening through my music collection and trying to figure out what card/archetype a particular song might be able to represent.

[EDIT May 4: I added links for Wheel of Fortune and Judgement – I’m still not sold on my selections, so I’ll probably be modifying the tunes quite a bit over the next few days… Enjoy!]

Hope all is going well in your world, and have a great week! Enjoy!